How e-agriculture can improve the lives of marginal and small farmers

There are parts of our world which are still isolated: the distances could be cultural, gender-related, lack of access to services, or due to the absence of roads there may not be physical connectivity to communities. So, lack of access to right information, in the right format, and time, also constrains the development of the agricultural sector. Enabling the use of Information and communication Technologies (ICTs) services can improve sustainability, efficiency and profitability in the farming community.
The e-Agriculture project in the state of Odisha, India supported by Grameen Intel Social Business, is doing exactly that – using technology to address issues and improve the livelihoods of small farmers. It helped 6,000 farmers increase their incomes by 300 percent, over a year, by lowering risks and costs, improve productivity, quality and income. The e-Agriculture project is helping by providing technology advice – that improve farmer productivity, entrepreneur training and capacity building, advise farmers to be data driven with the usage of netbook to capture farming details, community empowerment, and apply improved ways to lower costs and increase productivity.
Implementation of e-agriculture solution (meeting, planning, connecting, application and results) can support small farmers in developing countries by potentially increasing food security, income, creating jobs and support long-term economic growth.
You can know more about the program here