Year in Knowledge Review: The Top 5 Knowledge Resources of 2015 Impacting Social Change

While there is no dearth of online resources documenting innovations, strategies and disruptive models on social change, there are few which make headlines. With the year end, I rounded up 10 on engaging knowledge resources which are insightful, inspiring and though-provoking this year.

Systems Change: A Guide to do What it is and How to Do it

This enlightening guide defines the social system and addresses its problems and offer accessible materials and recommendations in all new way. It meticulously presents the systems change approach and what are the effective models that leads to pursuits of social change.

Social Enterprises and Global Corporations: Collaborating for Growth with Impact  

The research report outlines the virtuous cycle of the growth with impact. It presents engaging case studies of how social enterprises are engaging with the MNCs to accelerate business growth and hence social impact across the world.

Engage: How Funders Can Support and Leverage Networks for Social Impact

This guide aims to strengthen the capacity of grant makers to support and leverage networks in service of their social impact goals. With intended audience of grant makers, it helps them analyse grant making action and presents insights on decision making.

G20 Inclusive Business Framework

The framework developed during the Tokyo G20 Summit, defines inclusive business, sets out recommendations to enable inclusive business, and proposes a new way forward for governments, the private sector and other stakeholders

World Happiness Report 2015

The landmark report, first published in 2012 showcases how measurement of well-being can be effectively used to assess the progress of nations and hence its subjects. The report focusses on the heightened need for more attention to happiness as a criteria for government policy.

Let us know your comment on what is your top 5 engaging knowledge resource of 2015!